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I Am Afraid! - Chronicle of a sister's emotional response - her struggles and breakthrough - to COVID 19: Part 2

I Am Afraid (Part 2) Reflecting on my decision to let go of fear and recapture my ‘no bars hold’ confidence in God, had me doing a retrospective look on my entire life. Had I only become fearful recently? Was fear limited only to my response to Covid 19 or could I see footprints of that virus stamped in other areas of my life? The children of Israel who left Egypt did not enter the promise land because of unbelief. Very often as I contemplated this story, I wondered how a people who had experience God’s deliverance at the Red Sea could doubt God at this point. Just like the people of God waiting for the promised land; I developed amnesia regarding the power of God to protect, keep, sustain, deliver and heal. My eyes and mind were now being and controlled by this foreign entity that invaded my spirit and it dictated how I should process and react to every byte of information I received regarding the Corona Virus. I am reminded of the analogy that a lecturer once shared with m

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I Am Afraid! - Chronicle of a sister's emotional response - her struggles and breakthrough - to COVID 19: Part 1